This is a meme created by Reading and Things for bloggers to talk about there book boyfriends and tease the readers with things they've said.
Want to participate?
Then all you have to do is:
1) Pick a book boyfriend, it can be from the book your currently reading or from one you've already read.
2) Write what kind of boyfriend he is, and if you want, say why you think that.
3) Pick a quote from his book, long or short, that proves he is the kind of boyfriend you said he is.
4) Make sure the quote, and the explanation DO NOT give away anything from the book (we want all of the twists and plot surprises to remain surprises).
5) Share it! And shout it out using the #Reading and Things.
This week I would like you to meet:
Daniel Weasley
He's cute, a little crazy, sometimes cocky and completely in love with Six.
She’s smiling wider than I’ve ever seen her smile.
“Daniel Wesley, where’d you learn those smooth moves?”
I laugh.“Not moves, Six. Charisma.”
* * *
"Are you going to tell me how awesome that kiss was or are you going to ignore it?”
She shakes her head and laughs at me. “That wasn’t even a real kiss,” she says. “You didn’t even try to put your tongue in my mouth.”
“I didn’t have to put my tongue in your mouth,” I say. “My kisses are that intense. I don’t even really have to do anything. The only reason I pulled back was that I was sure we were about to experience a classic, ‘When Harry met Sally’ moment.”
This novella is a companion novel to the Hopeless series, but can be read as a standalone.
A chance encounter in the dark leads eighteen-year-old Daniel and the girl who stumbles across him to profess their love for each other. But this love comes with conditions: they agree it will only last one hour and it will only be make-believe.
When their hour is up and the girl rushes off like Cinderella, Daniel tries to convince himself that what happened between them only seemed perfect because they were pretending it was perfect. Moments like that with girls like her don’t happen outside of fairytales.
One year and one bad relationship later, his disbelief in insta-love is stripped away the day he meets Six: a girl with a strange name and an even stranger personality. Daniel soon realizes the way he pretended to feel about Cinderella and the way he really feels about Six may not be so different after all. Especially when the two loves of his life end up being one in the same.
Unfortunately for Daniel, finding Cinderella doesn't guarantee their happily ever after…it only further threatens it.
Now it's your turn. Who's your current book crush for this week? Please leave a link below.