Tuesday, February 17, 2015

TBR Tuesday #84 ~ Fallen Crest High (Fallen Crest High #1) by Tijan

My good friend Sharrice from Reese's Reviews: My Addiction to Fiction came up with the idea of 'TBR Tuesday'

If you want to join in the fun, then just do the following:
From your book shelf or your e-reader, pick a book that you own that is still on your TBR list. Post it however you want to, then leave a link below so others can see what's waiting to be read.

This week for me its:

Fallen Crest High
(Fallen Crest High #1)
by Tijan

Mason and Logan Kade are two brothers who did their own thing. They were rich and expected to attend her school, Fallen Crest Academy. They chose public school and now Samantha has to live with them. The problem is that she doesn't care at all: about them, about her friends, about her cheating boyfriend, or even about her parent's divorce. But maybe that's a good thing. Maybe change is a good thing. 

This book contains adult/mature young adult situations.

This book has quite a few different covers. My copy has the cover on the right, but I also like the cover on the left.


Leave a comment and tell me what's waiting on your TBR pile.


  1. My TBR pile is completely out of control! BUT the two books I plan to read ASAP are Lure by Alyssa Rose Ivy and All Fall Down by Ally Carter :)

  2. I want to read this series, I have read another of Tijan's books and I liked it. Hope you do!!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  3. *haha* This is one we both have on our shelves, Marilyn! I read good things about it and just had to one-click. Alas, it's still waiting. :)

  4. Hm...not sure about this one. I'll have to see what you think when you read it. Both covers are pretty awesome. Thank you as always for posting on this on your blog and for commenting on mine. <3
