Tuesday, December 9, 2014

TBR Tuesday #75 ~ Back in the Saddle (Jessica Brodie Diaries #1) by K.F. Breene

My good friend Sharrice from Reese's Reviews: My Addiction to Fiction came up with the idea of 'TBR Tuesday'

If you want to join in the fun, then just do the following:
From your book shelf or your e-reader, pick a book that you own that is still on your TBR list. Post it however you want to, then leave a link below so others can see what's waiting to be read.

This week for me its:

Back in the Saddle
(Jessica Brodie Diaries #1)
K.F. Breene

Jessica is no stranger to life giving her lemons. On the tail end of her latest bad decision, Jessica realizes she needs to make a life change. So when college finally ends, she packs up her life and heads to Texas for a fresh start. It is there she meets the most ruggedly handsome cowboy she's ever encountered. An entrepreneur with a million prospects, Jessica knows he's out of her league, but life, and an adventurous spirit, keeps driving her toward him, stumbling and laughing all the way. He can only resist her for so long.

This sounded like a fun read so I added it to my shelf a while back.
Hopefully, I will get to it soon.


Leave a comment and tell me what's waiting on your TBR pile.


  1. I love that cover - that's for sure.

  2. It does sound like a fun read! I may add it to my shelf, Marilyn. ;) I still have Endure by Carrie Jones sitting on my shelf...but I'm going to read it in 2015. :)

  3. Yes get to it soon get it it soon!! Sounds soooo awesome!!!
